Known Bugs & Issues

WP Automatic Links is in Early Release mode. These are the known issues with the plugin.

We are actively investigating each issue and fixing these in upcoming releases. Issues with a ‘strikethrough’ have been fixed recently.


  • WPBakery Compatability Issue – This plugin has known compatability issues with the WPBakery page builder plugin and may cause unwanted experiences (see bugs).
  • Overwrites Existing Links – The plugin currently will overwrite an existing link to add the automatic link you created. For example if you have a link that uses the anchor text “great example” and you create an automatic link for “example” then WP Automatic Links will rewrite your existing link to create two new links, the original link will use only the anchor text “great” and the newly created automatic link will use the text “example”.
  • No Ability to Limit – This plugin currently does not have any limiting capabilities. There is no way to limit the number of links per page or post. There is no way to limit your automatic link to specific pages, post types, blog categories, posts, or taxonomies. There is no ability to “skip” a page, post type, category, or taxonomy either. These links will appear across your entire site.

  • Links applied to Blockquotes, Headings, etc… – This plugin currently applies automatically created links to the text that matches your settings no matter what type of HTML tag the text is wrapped in.


  • WPBakery Buttons – When applied to a WPBakery website this plugin will break the text on WPBakery buttons where text is matching your settings. This is a temporary issue which can be fixed by deleting the automatic link, changing the anchor text setting in your automatic link settings, or deactivating the WP Automatic Links plugin.
  • WPBakery Headings – When applied to a WPBakery website this plugin might break the text in your WPBakery custom headings element(s) resetting the text to the default setting. This is a temporary issue which can be fixed by deleting the automatic link, changing the anchor text setting in your automatic link settings, or deactivating the WP Automatic Links plugin.